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Stuttering Therapy for

Adults and Children





"Many people who stutter know what they would like to say but have trouble producing a normal speech flow.

The exact cause of stuttering is unknown, although research suggests that those with a familial history are more likely to stutter.


Interestingly, we may all go through periods of normal disfluency when we are young and learning to speak. However, if you or your child experience difficulty and tend to hesitate or repeat certain syllables or words for more than two months, that could be a sign of a stuttering problem.  The focus of therapy for children and adults is to change the way people who stutter communicate with others.  Our techniques target the speaker’s tension, struggle, and avoidance of the core moment of stuttering.




Stuttering therapy will be playful, and we will work side-by-side with the child to maximize the treatment effect. Our speech-language pathologists are experts in stuttering and have a strong understanding of the research on various stuttering therapy techniques that are highly engaging for children.




Stuttering therapy will focus on improving fluency. Our speech-language pathologists will help you feel less tense and speak more freely in school, at work, and in different social settings. We will also help you face speaking situations that make you feel fearful or anxious such as speaking on the phone or ordering food at a restaurant.

Signs of a Stuttering Problem Include:


→ Consistently repeating sounds in a word or words in a sentence

→ Hesitating involuntarily between words in sentences

→ Avoiding saying words that are too difficult to say

→ Showing signs of struggle or anxiety when trying to speak


We Can Help! 


Stuttering Therapy Goals


The ultimate goal is to speak with less tension by reducing disfluencies, increasing awareness of stuttering moments, and treating secondary behaviors resulting from stuttering.


  • Increase awareness of/reduce physical tension

  • Reduce struggling behaviors/unlearn secondary behaviors 

  • Increase feelings of self-control

  • Increase awareness of speech that is disfluent

  • Increase feelings of openness and acceptance of disfluent speech

  • ​

The trajectory of stuttering treatment is different for each person, and there is no exact amount of time that applies to everyone. Each of your 30, 45, or 60-minute sessions will be productive, and you’ll make measurable progress toward your communication goals!




After your evaluation, your speech therapy begins with a comprehensive assessment by a skilled speech-language pathologist (SLP) who is highly trained to identify stuttering disorders in children and adults.




At SLP Healing we believe that goals should be centered around your specific needs. An individualized treatment plan is created for each client.




Since each person is unique and will respond differently to therapy methods, your therapist will create a treatment program tailor-made for your needs and adapt your therapy as needed." Schedule Your Evaluation Today!






-Article by connected speech pathology

Contact Us

SLP Healing

P.O. Box 635

Edgar Springs, MO 65462
Tel: 7853171854

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